Project Details
Kinetic Sand Table
My DIY kinetic sand table, inspired by the Sisyphus Table. Uses a RaspberryPi and gcode files from to draw patterns in sand.
MIDI Xylophone with Arduino Mega
This project uses an Arduino Mega, relay boards, and solenoids to convert a $30 xylpohone (technically a glockenspeil) into a MIDI output device. The 3D printed parts were designed in Autodesk Fusion 360 and printed on a Prusa MK3s. The laser cut parts were designed in Adobe Illustrator and cut on a Boss laser. MIDI songs are being played on the free LMMS digital audio workstation. LoopMIDI creates a vritural midi port on the laptop to pass the signal from LMMS to Hairless MIDI, which creates a serial bridge to the Arduino Mega over a USB cable.